A Day that Goes Well

The older ones on Stauffer are each having a good day.

With two half gallon sprayers mixed to do battle with the burdock, he was off.

I stayed behind and spent time in the studio.  I have been away from stitching for some time.  As I was looking at stashes in conjunction with graph paper, I got a phone call from Gibbon.  On the 12th of thisQuilt-Plan month, two t-shirt quilts will be leaving the studio.  Sweet.  I continued on with what will be a scrappy quilt of every color under imaginable.  All the cotton prints will be petite floral.  Once it is on paper, that is half the battle of making the 8″ finished blocks.  No seams to match in the way that I will lay them down.  I do know that it will be 7 blocks across and 8 blocks down with three different configured blocks to make up the top.  By using a half block on the left of the first row and then using the half block on the right of the second row, staggering down the 8 rows, that will illuminate seams that need lining up.  With my blocks being designed, I also will know how much of each piece of fabric to cut.  Not much waste is going to be had.

My-Cross-StitchMy-ProgressI did snap a photo of my stitching.  Keeping the pamphlet close by for encouragement. I am pleased with the progress.  Yes, it is wrinkled.  As I work, the area under the needle is stretched taunt in a hoop.  Steam pressing is way too far in the future to worry about.  I am waiting for Amazon to deliver a new hoop to me.  The one I had been using was a 6″ x 6″ and needed to be held in my left hand as the right hand worked the needle in and out.  Though the left hand does not operate well, I could tell the pull all the way up to my left shoulder.  The one that is coming is 11″ x 11″.  I will be able to rest the top of it on my book rack and the bottom will sit on my lap, leaving the left hand be at rest.  It takes awhile to get everything on board for the best process.

Dennis now has a pair of pants dedicated to the blue barn acre work.  Without realizing it, he had brushed against the weed that has little stickers that embed themselves into the fabric.  Dennis tried the shop vacuum and the 3M lint roller.  I will wash them by themselves and we have held the dedication ceremony.

Dennis and I have each had a productive day with all things going well . . . keeping it reasonable.