As I took my usual full glass of water upon rising, there on the Crab Apple tree branch just inches from the kitchen window a huge red breasted robin, perched on a snow covered branch, seemed to be looking right back at me. Hump. We both seemed to agree we would tough it out until spring weather would be upon us.

Dennis and I seem to have a peace that has fallen on our little home. We toughed out months of Dennis having one small stroke after another and he is now recovering with the hope of many hours enjoying his mowing of our acre. My challenge, though quite trite, I made it through the winter without once falling as I took control of the driveway the best I could . . . with Randy and his John Deere rescuing me twice as deep wet snow was more than I could push.

I made it through the dark winter months without putting on any winter weight. I am starting spring while enjoying the weight loss of lass summer and fall. My feet do remember my walking route, though not quite yet to the distance I managed right after the Thanksgiving of 2017. I am still a work in progress. Dennis is also a work in progress. We have a good attitude this spring. After all . . . it is the attitude in life that serves us well rather than the altitude that we fly at.