
The grain elevator is open on this a Sunday.  Every color of tractor possible is hauling in wagons of shell corn.  Not every farm works with their own semis.

Dennis manned the weed whip and the plants right east along the foundation have been taken out.  I clipped off the spent lily stalks in the area going into the house.  With my handy pail, both sites were raked and added to the burn ring east of the garage.  Small steps toward what each day is leading to.

When I went outside this afternoon, I went via the front door.  The bugs don’t get direct sun there and I could escape.  Ish!  I have never found what purpose they serve.  Taking my pail of greenery to the burning ring, I noticed a huge wasp’s nest on the south gable of the potting shed.  Ish!

When I was outside, neighbor Jan and I visited over the picket fence.  She asked how things were going.  I made mention that the bucket list of the blue barn acre was empty for the year.  She remembered all the Kudzu vines hanging from the trees.  Dennis nipped all of them where they came out of the ground so that what went up in the trees has no food source . . . except one.  I just got a text from Jan explaining that her new battery chainsaw made short work of that last vine.  My, oh my!  I did indeed thank her.

Some time was spent in the studio today, pairing up fabric prints to make 16 of the “Block 2” design.  With that cutting and pairing, the sewing of those blocks will go well.

It is a tomato soup supper this evening.  Crackers, bread, butter and jam will round it out.  Vanilla ice cream could be the finish.  Dennis did comment that tomorrow might be grocery shopping.  With our summer and early fall having been busy getting our total homestead whipped into shape before cold weather, our pantry in the basement has never been so empty.

We didn’t have a garden to harvest, but I know some great canned goods to have on hand.

With that I take my leave.  ♥