It feels so good to be home safe and sound after being away for a short time of only 32 hours. My brother Michael was laid to rest today. The family, friends and neighbors who came together was wonderful. It was also overwhelming. I feel weary and spent. That is not a bad thing to feel. I know being home with Dennis I will regenerate after a good’s night rest. I also realize that Michaels’ family doesn’t even know what it will feel like after the weeks and months being on watch 24/7 as Michael was enduring, sometimes struggling the cancer treatments. Their time to regenerate and heal will be to each in their own time in their own quiet and space.

When Dennis and I got home we were diligent getting our suitcases unpacked. The second item was getting our PJs on. I know I will be settling in for the remainder of the week with not a single need that will demand more of me. Quiet and rest and contemplation until such time that I feel like pulling up the boot straps for what next week may bring.

The blessing of the pastor’s at the close of the service said it all, “Blessed be Michael’s memory.”