It Is a Birthday Kind of Day

03-22-2012 02;19;03PM (Custom)

Oh for the wisdom that sparkles
in Lena’s blue eyes.

Today my Mom would have been 99 years old.  I hear many people make note of their heroes in life, from sports individuals to philanthropists.  My heroes in life were, and still are, my parents.  Today would have been Lena’s day.  No doubt she would have made plans for the entire family to come to the farm in Boon Lake Township located in Renville County either the Sunday before or the Sunday after the December 2nd date.

When I think things get tough in my life, I only have to stop and reflect on Lena’s life.  My Mom grew up in a large family with a father who was a party man.  Emil would not think twice about staying at a local pub while his family hustles to take care of livestock on the farm.  Emil would buy drinks for others and come home with not a coin left in his pocket.  Emil also spent some time in prison as he had taken a pitchfork to my uncle Bill.

I only bring up the information about Mom’s childhood, and it never, ever left a negative mark on her beautiful soul and heart.  Mom and my Dad met when they were both hired hands on a farm.  My parents went on to have a family of four who they raised and took care of with every fiber in their beings.  My Mom often would share with me that she never wanted for anything after marrying Raymond as he was a good provider.  When times were tough, we may not have had a lot of materialistic things, but we never knew the difference as we were happy and content within the home that was provided for us.  Dad taught his boys to work wonders in the tool shop and my Mom taught us girls the fine arts of baking, cooking and sewing.

4th of July (Custom)I know she made a huge impact on the grandchildren, playing cards with them or letting them follow her around when they would spend time in grandma and grandpa’s home.  Even for my granddaughter, Megan,  who wants to be a writer, there would not be enough words to sufficiently describe Lena and her legacy.

On another note, when daughter Carrie found out she would be having a baby in the late November or early December time via a c-section, Carrie reserved December 2nd for Megan’s birth.  Today Megan is 12 and Mom would have been 99; my breath is taken away for oh so many reasons and I have memories sliding down my cheeks.