Lots to Smile About

Sometimes my eyes are bigger than my abilities.  I fell in love with a quilt pattern that led to finding wonderful flannel fabrics in a quilt shop in Bird Island.  Hmm.  The snow was flying in January and it seemed like the perfect project.  Dennis is never satisfied with the heft of blankets.  I was sure this would fill the bill.  It is surprising how Noreen 3 (Small)much weight the threads add to the quilt top.  I chose a flannel for the backing and a poly batting.  I had to wait until July for Sharon to long arm the quilt.  I got it home this week and then I bit myself in the butt.  I don’t like to have UFOs, unfinished objects, in my sewing studio.  Today threatened rain off and on and I went in the sewing studio to work on cutting, ironing and sewing on binding.  Let’s get this done!  It is supper and I am calling it a day.  I have  a lot to smile about as there is one step left to finish IMG_0581 (Small)this winter project and that is sewing down the binding on the right side of the quilt.  In a perfect world the binding should be sewn on by hand . . . meaning lots of tiny stitches each pulled through one at a time.  My hands can no longer do the hand sewing, thus it is under the needle of the sewing machine.  There is no way I could sleep under anything this heavy.  Dennis will no doubt sneak the polar fleece blanket either under this quilt or over it.  I don’t mind.  I made it for Dennis and how he chooses to use it is up to him.  I am smiling as I am so close to putting this mound of flannel to bed . . .  literally.  I will be smiling right up to bedtime.