This is the holiest of weeks and I feel a quiet within me that I would not mind staying within me every day. But the real world harkens and I am no different than anyone else allowing the most meager items that will spike my heart rate. I have found that when something does trigger my pulse to quicken I actually do talk to myself and assure the inner me that this is just a little glitch and in the scheme of things it’s going to be okay. There are so many instances in our lives when we need to realize that if it is not something we can control or change we need to let it go before we invest any more of our precious energy into a complete waste. My quest is to work very hard at quieting my heart during the meaningless challenges and save it for long lasting enjoyment of my family — now there is a great reason for the heart to swell as it fills with love. Out with the angst — in with the true joy of each day.